A+ Exam sim with Lab Sim update

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Certexams.com  Certexams.com, a leading network simulator, Exam Simulator and lab simulator provider, updated its existing A+ Exam Sim with Lab sim software  to reflect the most recent A+ certification exam objectives.

A+ Exam Sim with Lab Sim , Exam Sim provides 350+ practice questions with flash cards from latest syllabus of each A+ Core 1 and A+ Core 2 certifications, along with Lab Simulator which provides 100+ lab exercises useful for candidates intending to prepare for A+ certification.

The exam simulator provides actual exam environment with timed test, and difficulty levels similar to that of the actual exam. Detailed category wise scoring is available to improve weak areas.

The A+ Labs simulator, offered by certexams.com consists of several ready made labs for thorough preparation. The labs are useful in attempting performance based questions and troubleshooting questions often asked in A+ exams. The labs cover broad topics like computer hardware, motherboards,

The trial version of the lab simulator may be downloaded by going to the produce page, Comptia A+ Labsim. By using the trial version of the software, you can evaluate the product and the full version may be purchased online using program interface.

A few screen shots of the lab sim are given below:

The figure below displays the lab manual included with the lab simulator. The manual consists of exercises on PC Hardware, Networking, Laptops, Printers, Operating Systems, Windows 10 labs and others.

The figure below shows a typical drag-n-drop kind of question:

Comptia A+ labsim

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