Security+ (Plus) Job Interview Questions


Job Opportunities for Security+ certified candidates:

CompTIA Security+ certification holders are qualified to work in various IT security roles, such as:

  1. Security Specialist: responsible for identifying and preventing security threats, conducting security audits, and implementing security measures.
  2. Security Engineer: responsible for designing, implementing, and managing security solutions such as firewalls, intrusion detection systems, and virtual private networks (VPNs).
  3. Security Consultant: responsible for providing expert advice and solutions on various security issues to organizations.
  4. Network Administrator: responsible for ensuring the security of an organization’s computer network by implementing security policies and protocols.
  5. Systems Administrator: responsible for installing, configuring, and maintaining an organization’s computer systems, including security measures.
  6. Information Security Analyst: responsible for analyzing security risks and implementing appropriate measures to mitigate them.
  7. Penetration Tester: responsible for identifying vulnerabilities in an organization’s computer systems by conducting penetration testing.
  8. Cybersecurity Analyst: responsible for monitoring and analyzing an organization’s computer network for security breaches and vulnerabilities.
  9. Security Manager: responsible for overseeing an organization’s overall security strategy and ensuring compliance with security policies and regulations.
  10. IT Auditor: responsible for conducting audits of an organization’s IT systems to ensure compliance with security policies and regulations.

These are just a few examples, and there are many other job opportunities available to CompTIA Security+ certified candidates in both public and private sectors.

There is no official prerequisite for taking the CompTIA Security+ certification exam. However, CompTIA recommends that candidates have at least two years of experience in IT administration with a focus on security before taking the exam. This experience can include working in roles such as security analyst, security engineer, or network administrator, among others. Additionally, CompTIA recommends that candidates hold the CompTIA Network+ certification before pursuing Security+.

The latest version of the CompTIA Security+ exam (SY0-601) covers the following topics:

1.0 Attacks, Threats, and Vulnerabilities (24%)

  • Given a scenario, implement cyber security resilience.
  • Explain penetration testing concepts.
  • Explain vulnerability scanning concepts.
  • Explain intrusion detection and prevention concepts.
  • Analyze data as part of security monitoring activities.
  • Given a scenario, implement threat modeling concepts and best practices.

2.0 Architecture and Design (21%)

  • Implement secure network architecture concepts.
  • Implement secure systems design.
  • Explain secure mobile and IoT device concepts and vulnerabilities.
  • Given a scenario, implement secure protocols.
  • Explain secure application development concepts.

3.0 Implementation (25%)

  • Given a scenario, implement secure network concepts.
  • Install and configure wireless security settings.
  • Implement secure protocols.
  • Explain host security concepts.
  • Implement secure mobile and IoT device solutions.

4.0 Operations and Incident Response (16%)

  • Given an incident, prepare a response.
  • Explain digital forensics concepts.
  • Explain disaster recovery and business continuity concepts.
  • Explain basic concepts of programming/scripting.
  • Summarize safety practices.

5.0 Governance, Risk, and Compliance (14%)

  • Explain risk management processes and concepts.
  • Explain privacy and sensitive data concepts.
  • Given a scenario, implement secure procedures and controls.
  • Explain compliance frameworks and regulations.
  • Explain incident response procedures and policies.

Interview questions with answers on domain 1.0 Attacks, Threats, and Vulnerabilities

  1. What is the difference between a vulnerability and a threat?

Answer: A vulnerability is a weakness in a system or process that can be exploited by an attacker, whereas a threat is a potential danger that can exploit a vulnerability and cause harm.

  1. What is the difference between a virus and a worm?

Answer: A virus is a malicious program that requires user interaction to spread, whereas a worm is a self-replicating program that spreads over a network without user interaction.

  1. What is the difference between a DoS and DDoS attack?

Answer: A DoS (Denial of Service) attack is an attempt to prevent legitimate users from accessing a service by flooding it with traffic, whereas a DDoS (Distributed Denial of Service) attack is a coordinated attack from multiple sources to overwhelm a target.

  1. What is social engineering?

Answer: Social engineering is the art of manipulating people to divulge sensitive information or perform actions that may not be in their best interest. Examples of social engineering include phishing, pretexting, and baiting.

  1. What is a zero-day vulnerability?

Answer: A zero-day vulnerability is a software flaw that is unknown to the software vendor and has not yet been patched. Attackers can exploit this vulnerability to gain unauthorized access to a system.

  1. What is the difference between authentication and authorization?

Answer: Authentication is the process of verifying the identity of a user, device, or system. Authorization is the process of granting or denying access to resources based on the authenticated user’s permissions.

  1. What is a man-in-the-middle attack?

Answer: A man-in-the-middle attack is a type of attack where an attacker intercepts communications between two parties and can eavesdrop on or modify the communication. This attack is often used to steal sensitive information like login credentials or financial information.

  1. What is the difference between symmetric and asymmetric encryption?

Answer: Symmetric encryption uses the same key for encryption and decryption, whereas asymmetric encryption uses a public key for encryption and a private key for decryption. Asymmetric encryption is often used for key exchange and digital signatures.

  1. What is a rogue access point?

Answer: A rogue access point is an unauthorized wireless access point that is connected to a network. Attackers can use rogue access points to gain access to a network or to intercept wireless traffic.

  1. What is a buffer overflow attack?

Answer: A buffer overflow attack is a type of attack where an attacker sends more data to a buffer than it can handle, causing the system to crash or allowing the attacker to execute arbitrary code. This attack can be used to gain unauthorized access to a system.

Some more questions on virus/malware attacks:

  1. What is a brute-force attack?
    A brute-force attack is a method of guessing a password or encryption key by trying every possible combination until the correct one is found. This type of attack can be time-consuming and resource-intensive, but is still commonly used by attackers.
  2. What is a man-in-the-middle attack?
    A man-in-the-middle attack is a type of attack where the attacker intercepts communication between two parties and can eavesdrop, modify, or inject new messages into the communication. This type of attack is often used to steal sensitive information such as login credentials or financial information.
  3. What is a social engineering attack?
    A social engineering attack is a type of attack that relies on tricking people into divulging sensitive information or performing actions that may compromise security. Examples of social engineering attacks include phishing emails, pretexting, baiting, and tailgating.
  4. What is a denial-of-service (DoS) attack?
    A denial-of-service attack is a type of attack where the attacker attempts to prevent legitimate users from accessing a resource, such as a website or network, by overwhelming it with traffic or other requests. This type of attack can cause significant disruption and downtime.
  5. What is a ransomware attack?
    A ransomware attack is a type of attack where the attacker encrypts the victim’s files and demands payment in exchange for the decryption key. This type of attack has become increasingly common in recent years and can cause significant financial and operational damage.
  6. What is a buffer overflow attack?
    A buffer overflow attack is a type of attack where the attacker sends more data to a program than it can handle, causing the excess data to overwrite adjacent memory locations. This can allow the attacker to execute arbitrary code or crash the program.
  7. What is a SQL injection attack?
    A SQL injection attack is a type of attack where the attacker injects malicious SQL code into a database query in order to access, modify, or delete data. This type of attack is commonly used to steal sensitive information from databases.
  8. What is a zero-day vulnerability?
    A zero-day vulnerability is a vulnerability in a software or hardware product that is unknown to the vendor and has no available patch or fix. Attackers can use zero-day vulnerabilities to launch targeted attacks before the vulnerability is discovered and patched.
  9. What is a supply chain attack?
    A supply chain attack is a type of attack where the attacker targets a third-party vendor or supplier in order to gain access to a target organization’s network or data. This type of attack can be difficult to detect and prevent, as the attacker is exploiting a trusted relationship.
  10. What is a phishing attack?
    A phishing attack is a type of attack where the attacker sends an email or other message that appears to be from a legitimate source, such as a bank or social media site, in order to trick the recipient into divulging sensitive information. This type of attack is one of the most common types of social engineering attacks.
Security+ interview questions with answers in domain: 2.0 Architecture and Design:
  1. What is the difference between symmetric and asymmetric encryption?
    Answer: Symmetric encryption uses a single key to both encrypt and decrypt data, while asymmetric encryption uses a public key for encryption and a private key for decryption.
  2. What is the purpose of a security framework?
    Answer: A security framework is a set of guidelines and standards that help organizations develop and implement effective security policies and procedures.
  3. What is the difference between a firewall and an intrusion detection system (IDS)?
    Answer: A firewall is designed to prevent unauthorized access to a network, while an IDS is designed to detect and alert administrators of potential security breaches.
  4. What is a virtual private network (VPN)?
    Answer: A VPN is a secure connection that allows remote users to access a private network through the internet.
  5. What is the purpose of a demilitarized zone (DMZ)?
    Answer: A DMZ is a network segment that separates an organization’s internal network from an untrusted external network, such as the internet.
  6. What is the principle of least privilege?
    Answer: The principle of least privilege is the practice of granting users only the minimum level of access necessary to perform their job functions.
  7. What is the difference between access control and authorization?
    Answer: Access control is the process of determining who is allowed to access a resource, while authorization is the process of determining what actions a user is allowed to perform on that resource.
  8. What is the difference between a threat and a vulnerability?
    Answer: A threat is a potential danger that could exploit a vulnerability, while a vulnerability is a weakness in a system or process that could be exploited by a threat.
  9. What is the purpose of encryption?
    Answer: Encryption is the process of converting data into a form that can only be read by authorized parties, thereby protecting the data from unauthorized access.
  10. What is a risk assessment?
    Answer: A risk assessment is the process of identifying, analyzing, and evaluating potential security risks to an organization’s assets, and developing strategies to mitigate those risks.
More questions on encryption:
  1. What is the difference between symmetric and asymmetric encryption?

Answer: Symmetric encryption uses a single key to encrypt and decrypt data, while asymmetric encryption uses a pair of keys (public and private) to encrypt and decrypt data. Asymmetric encryption is generally considered more secure, but also more resource-intensive.

  1. What is the purpose of a firewall in network security?

Answer: A firewall is a network security device that monitors and controls incoming and outgoing network traffic based on predetermined security rules. It serves as a barrier between a secure internal network and the public internet or other untrusted networks.

  1. What is a DMZ and how does it relate to network security?

Answer: A DMZ (demilitarized zone) is a separate network segment that sits between an internal network and the public internet. It is typically used to host servers that need to be publicly accessible, such as web servers. By placing these servers in the DMZ, an organization can provide some level of protection for their internal network.

  1. What is the difference between a vulnerability assessment and a penetration test?

Answer: A vulnerability assessment is a process of identifying and quantifying vulnerabilities in a network or system, while a penetration test is an attempt to exploit those vulnerabilities to gain unauthorized access or test the effectiveness of security controls. In other words, a vulnerability assessment identifies weaknesses, while a penetration test attempts to exploit those weaknesses.

  1. What is the purpose of multifactor authentication in network security?

Answer: Multifactor authentication is a security mechanism that requires users to provide two or more forms of authentication in order to access a system or network. It provides an additional layer of security beyond just a password, making it more difficult for attackers to gain unauthorized access.

  1. What is the difference between a threat and a vulnerability?

Answer: A threat is a potential danger that could exploit a vulnerability and cause harm to a system or network, while a vulnerability is a weakness or flaw in a system or network that could be exploited by a threat. In other words, a threat is the potential cause of harm, while a vulnerability is the potential entry point for that harm.

  1. What is the purpose of access controls in network security?

Answer: Access controls are security mechanisms that restrict access to resources based on predetermined security policies. They help ensure that only authorized individuals or systems can access sensitive data or resources, and they help prevent unauthorized access or misuse.

  1. What is the difference between a DoS and DDoS attack?

Answer: A DoS (denial of service) attack is an attempt to disrupt or disable a system or network by flooding it with traffic or requests, while a DDoS (distributed denial of service) attack is the same type of attack, but it is carried out using multiple systems or devices, typically controlled by a botnet.

  1. What is the purpose of a SIEM system in network security?

Answer: A SIEM (security information and event management) system is a software solution that combines security information management (SIM) and security event management (SEM) capabilities in order to provide comprehensive security monitoring and alerting. It allows organizations to collect and analyze security-related data from multiple sources in order to detect and respond to security incidents in real-time.

  1. What is the principle of least privilege in network security?

Answer: The principle of least privilege is a security principle that states that users, processes, and systems should be granted only the minimum level of access necessary to perform their tasks. It helps reduce the risk of unauthorized access or misuse of resources, and it can help prevent damage or data loss in the event of a security breach.

Security+ interview questions with answers domain: 3.0 Implementation (25%)

Interview questions for domain 3.0 – Implementation:

  1. What are some common methods for implementing access control in an organization’s network?
    Answer: Common methods for implementing access control include firewalls, intrusion prevention systems (IPS), authentication systems, and biometric scanners.
  2. What is the purpose of implementing data encryption?
    Answer: The purpose of data encryption is to protect sensitive data from being accessed or read by unauthorized individuals or systems.
  3. What is the role of a digital certificate in implementing secure communications over the internet?
    Answer: A digital certificate is used to verify the identity of an individual or organization and establish a secure communication channel over the internet through the use of encryption.
  4. How can you implement a secure wireless network in an organization?
    Answer: You can implement a secure wireless network in an organization by using WPA2 encryption, implementing strong passwords and usernames, limiting access to the wireless network, and disabling broadcasting of the wireless network name.
  5. What are some common protocols used to implement secure remote access?
    Answer: Common protocols used to implement secure remote access include SSL, SSH, and VPN.
  6. What are some methods for implementing secure email communications?
    Answer: Some methods for implementing secure email communications include using encryption, digital signatures, and email authentication protocols.
  7. How can you implement secure file transfer protocols in an organization?
    Answer: You can implement secure file transfer protocols in an organization by using encryption, setting up secure FTP, and using secure file transfer software.
  8. What are some best practices for implementing secure network segmentation?
    Answer: Some best practices for implementing secure network segmentation include using VLANs, creating network segments based on user roles, and limiting access to sensitive data.
  9. What are some methods for implementing secure mobile device management in an organization?
    Answer: Methods for implementing secure mobile device management include implementing strong passwords and usernames, using mobile device management software, and encrypting data on mobile devices.
  10. How can you implement secure cloud computing in an organization?
    Answer: You can implement secure cloud computing in an organization by using encryption, choosing reputable cloud service providers, implementing access controls, and regularly monitoring the cloud environment.

Interview questions Domain 4.0 Operations and Incident Response:

  1. What is an Incident Response Plan, and what are its key components?
    Answer: An Incident Response Plan is a documented process that outlines how an organization will respond to a cybersecurity incident. Its key components include incident response team roles and responsibilities, communication and escalation procedures, incident classification and prioritization, incident analysis, containment and eradication procedures, recovery and restoration procedures, and post-incident activities.
  2. What is the difference between an incident response team and a disaster recovery team? Answer: An incident response team is responsible for responding to security incidents as they occur, while a disaster recovery team is responsible for planning and executing the recovery of critical systems and data after a disaster or outage.
  3. What is a SIEM, and how does it support incident response?
    Answer: A Security Information and Event Management (SIEM) system is a software platform that aggregates and analyzes security events and alerts from across an organization’s network. It can support incident response by providing real-time alerts of suspicious activity, generating reports and visualizations to help identify patterns and trends, and automating response actions.
  4. What is a chain of custody, and why is it important in incident response?
    Answer: A chain of custody is a documented record of the custody, control, transfer, and disposition of evidence related to an incident. It is important in incident response because it ensures the integrity and admissibility of evidence in legal proceedings, and helps establish a clear timeline of events.
  5. What are some common challenges in incident response, and how can they be mitigated? Answer: Common challenges in incident response include lack of resources, lack of clear roles and responsibilities, communication breakdowns, and inadequate incident response planning. These can be mitigated through proactive planning and preparation, ongoing training and awareness, clear documentation and communication procedures, and regular testing and evaluation of incident response plans.
  6. What is the difference between a vulnerability scan and a penetration test?
    Answer: A vulnerability scan is an automated process that identifies known vulnerabilities in a network or system, while a penetration test is a manual process that simulates an attack to identify exploitable vulnerabilities and weaknesses in an organization’s security defenses.
  7. What is a playbooks, and how can they improve incident response?
    Answer: A playbook is a predefined set of instructions that outlines specific actions and procedures to follow in response to a particular type of incident. They can improve incident response by providing a structured, repeatable process for incident response that ensures consistency and reduces response times.
  8. What is a disaster recovery plan, and what are its key components?
    Answer: A disaster recovery plan is a documented process that outlines how an organization will recover critical systems and data after a disaster or outage. Its key components include identifying critical systems and data, backup and recovery procedures, recovery time objectives (RTOs) and recovery point objectives (RPOs), testing and validation procedures, and roles and responsibilities.
  9. What is a tabletop exercise, and how does it support incident response planning?
    Answer: A tabletop exercise is a simulated scenario that tests an organization’s incident response plan in a controlled environment. It can help identify gaps in the plan, clarify roles and responsibilities, and improve communication and coordination among incident response team members.
  10. What is the importance of documentation in incident response?
    Answer: Documentation is important in incident response because it helps establish a clear timeline of events, ensures the integrity and admissibility of evidence, provides a reference for future incident response planning and training, and helps identify areas for improvement in the incident response process.

Security+ interview questions Domain: Operations and Incident Response:

  1. What is the purpose of a security information and event management (SIEM) system? Answer: A SIEM system is used to collect and analyze security-related data from various sources in order to detect and respond to security incidents.
  2. What is a security incident response plan?
    Answer: A security incident response plan is a documented set of procedures and guidelines for responding to security incidents, including steps for detection, analysis, containment, eradication, and recovery.
  3. What is the difference between a vulnerability scan and a penetration test?
    Answer: A vulnerability scan is an automated scan that identifies vulnerabilities in a network or system, while a penetration test is a manual test that attempts to exploit those vulnerabilities to gain unauthorized access.
  4. What is the purpose of a honeypot?
    Answer: A honeypot is a decoy system designed to attract attackers and divert them away from the real system, allowing security professionals to observe and analyze their activities.
  5. What is the difference between a denial of service (DoS) attack and a distributed denial of service (DDoS) attack?
    Answer: A DoS attack is carried out by a single attacker or system, while a DDoS attack is carried out by multiple systems, often coordinated by a botnet, to overwhelm the targeted system or network.
  6. What is a security incident?
    Answer: A security incident is an event that indicates an actual or potential security breach, such as unauthorized access, theft or loss of data, or malware infection.
  7. What is the purpose of a security operations center (SOC)?
    Answer: A SOC is a centralized location where security analysts monitor and respond to security events and incidents in real time.
  8. What is the difference between an intrusion detection system (IDS) and an intrusion prevention system (IPS)?
    Answer: An IDS detects and alerts on potential security incidents, while an IPS not only detects but also actively blocks or mitigates security threats.
  9. What is the purpose of a backup and disaster recovery plan?
    Answer: A backup and disaster recovery plan is designed to ensure that critical data and systems can be restored in the event of a catastrophic event, such as a natural disaster or cyber attack.
  10. What is the first step in the incident response process?
    Answer: The first step in the incident response process is to detect and validate the security incident. This involves identifying abnormal activity or anomalies in system logs or other sources, and then verifying that an actual security breach has occurred.
Security+ interview questions Domain: 5.0 Governance, Risk, and Compliance
  1. What is the difference between a policy and a standard in an organization’s security framework?
    Answer: A policy is a high-level statement of intent or goal, while a standard is a more specific requirement or guideline for implementing that policy.
  2. What is the purpose of a risk assessment in a security program?
    Answer: The purpose of a risk assessment is to identify and evaluate potential risks to an organization’s information assets, and to determine the likelihood and potential impact of those risks.
  3. What is the difference between confidentiality, integrity, and availability (CIA) in a security context?
    Answer: Confidentiality refers to keeping information private and secure, integrity refers to maintaining the accuracy and consistency of information, and availability refers to ensuring that information is accessible and usable when needed.
  4. What is the role of compliance frameworks like HIPAA and PCI DSS in an organization’s security program?
    Answer: Compliance frameworks provide guidelines and standards for ensuring that an organization’s security practices meet certain regulatory or industry requirements.
  5. What is the purpose of security audits and assessments in an organization’s security program?
    Answer: The purpose of security audits and assessments is to evaluate an organization’s security posture and identify potential vulnerabilities, weaknesses, or areas of non-compliance.
  6. What is the difference between a vulnerability assessment and a penetration test?
    Answer: A vulnerability assessment is a systematic review of an organization’s systems and applications to identify potential vulnerabilities, while a penetration test involves actively attempting to exploit those vulnerabilities to gain unauthorized access to systems or data.
  7. What is the purpose of incident response planning in a security program?
    Answer: The purpose of incident response planning is to establish procedures and guidelines for responding to security incidents or breaches, with the goal of minimizing damage and restoring normal operations as quickly as possible.
  8. What is the difference between a security control and a security safeguard in a security program?
    Answer: A security control is a measure or mechanism used to prevent, detect, or mitigate security risks, while a security safeguard is a specific tool or technique used to implement a security control.
  9. What is the role of employee training and awareness in an organization’s security program? Answer: Employee training and awareness helps to ensure that employees understand security policies, procedures, and best practices, and are able to identify and respond to potential security threats.
  10. What is the importance of data classification in a security program?
    Answer: Data classification helps to ensure that sensitive or confidential information is properly protected, based on its level of sensitivity or criticality, and that appropriate security controls are in place to safeguard that data.
Some advanced questions:
  1. What is the purpose of a risk management framework?
    Answer: A risk management framework is used to identify, assess, and manage risks to an organization’s information and assets. It provides a structured approach to managing risk by outlining the policies, procedures, and controls needed to minimize the impact of a security incident.
  2. What is the difference between a vulnerability assessment and a penetration test?
    Answer: A vulnerability assessment is a systematic review of an organization’s systems and network to identify potential weaknesses. It is typically done using automated tools and provides a list of vulnerabilities that need to be addressed. A penetration test, on the other hand, is a controlled attempt to exploit identified vulnerabilities to gain unauthorized access to an organization’s systems. It is typically done by skilled ethical hackers and is used to identify how vulnerable the organization is to attacks.
  3. What is the purpose of a security policy?
    Answer: A security policy provides guidance and direction for implementing security measures to protect an organization’s assets. It outlines the security objectives, roles and responsibilities of personnel, and the procedures and controls needed to ensure compliance with legal and regulatory requirements.
  4. What is a security control?
    Answer: A security control is any measure taken to reduce the risk of a security incident. It includes physical, administrative, and technical controls such as access controls, firewalls, and encryption.
  5. What is a security audit?
    Answer: A security audit is a systematic review of an organization’s security policies, procedures, and controls to ensure they are effective in protecting the organization’s assets. It is typically done by an internal or external auditor and identifies areas of non-compliance or potential vulnerabilities.
  6. What is the difference between a policy and a procedure?
    Answer: A policy is a high-level statement that outlines the security objectives and expectations of an organization. A procedure, on the other hand, is a detailed description of the steps needed to implement a policy.
  7. What is the purpose of a disaster recovery plan?
    Answer: A disaster recovery plan is used to ensure that critical systems and data can be recovered in the event of a disaster or outage. It outlines the procedures and controls needed to minimize the impact of a disaster on the organization.
  8. What is the difference between due care and due diligence?
    Answer: Due care is the level of care that a reasonable person would exercise to protect an organization’s assets. Due diligence, on the other hand, is the level of care that is necessary to comply with legal or regulatory requirements.
  9. What is a security incident?
    Answer: A security incident is any unauthorized or unexpected event that could compromise the confidentiality, integrity, or availability of an organization’s assets. Examples include malware infections, unauthorized access, and theft of data.
  10. What is the purpose of a vulnerability management program?
    Answer: A vulnerability management program is used to identify, prioritize, and remediate vulnerabilities in an organization’s systems and network. It includes vulnerability assessments, patch management, and incident response procedures. The goal is to reduce the risk of a security incident and ensure that systems and data are protected.

By Vijay [vijay[at]]

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